Turn your knowledge into a powerful personal brand.

So you can create meaningful connections that last and generate more leads that convert.

Don't let your fear hold you back.

Become a Braveheart today.

Transform Knowledge into Influence:
We guide you through a journey of clarifying your vision and turning your expertise into a magnetic personal brand that resonates and attracts.

Craft Compelling Narratives:
Learn how to tell your story with a content strategy that connects deeply with your audience, creating lasting impact and genuine connections.

Master Digital Tactics:
Embrace the power of digital platforms with our tailored tactics, ensuring your personal brand thrives in the competitive online landscape.

Our commitment to you

Tailored Coaching:

Receive personalized guidance and support every step of the way.

Tools & Resources:

Access a wealth of resources designed to elevate your brand.

Engaged Community:

Join a network of like-minded individuals on the same journey to personal branding success

Here's what you can expect:

Our innovative process is paired with live coaching sessions and 24/7 chat support so you can build your brand and business with a team of brand and content specialists by your side. Our main objective is to give you the knowledge you need to build a successful personal brand that attracts your dream clients.


Learn our strategies to attract and connect with your target audience, expanding your reach and impact.


Craft a compelling brand message, so that your offers practically sell themselves.

Traffic Conversion

Master our sales video techniques to convert your following into engaged customers.

Recurring Revenue

Implement methods to consistently acquire new buyers per month, allowing you to build to 10,20,30k months and beyond.

Confidence as a creator

Build your confidence as a content creator and tap into the fastest growing market on earth. The creator economy.


The future belongs to the personal brand. Fast track your ability to monetise your expert knowledge and help the people you were born to serve.

If you commit, we won't let you fail.

Our BraveBrand program revolves around the idea that everyone possesses unique knowledge that can be their SuperPower. The focus is on empowering individuals to amplify this knowledge and turn it into a powerful personal brand. By doing so, they can not only express their authentic selves but also create impactful, monetized connections that last.

Here's what's included:



This module sets the stage for your personal brand to make a meaningful and lasting impact.


- Gain clarity and confidence in your personal brand.

- Develop a meaningful vision and set of values that genuinely represent you.
- Craft a clear, concise, and unique value proposition that resonates deeply with your audience.



By the end of this module, you’ll have practical tools to consistently produce content that engages and inspires.

- Develop a complete content strategy that will help you grow your audience and generate high quality leads.

- Learn to strategically organize and plan content across various themes and formats.

- Create a robust framework that forms the basis of your life's work and content..



The final module brings everything together, focusing on 'How I Do It'. This is where strategy meets action, encompassing both distribution and creative aspects of your brand.

-Develop a holistic and effective distribution strategy that amplifies your brand's reach across all social media platforms.

- Gain practical skills in content creation, ensuring your message converts into sales.



This module sets the stage for your personal brand to make a meaningful and lasting impact.


- Gain clarity and confidence in your personal brand.

- Develop a meaningful vision and set of values that genuinely represent you.
- Craft a clear, concise, and unique value proposition that resonates deeply with your audience.



By the end of this module, you’ll have a practical tool to consistently produce content that engages and inspires.

- Develop a complete content strategy that will help you grow your audience and generate high quality leads.

- Learn to strategically organize and plan content across various themes and formats.

- Create a robust framework that forms the basis of your life's work and content..



The final module brings everything together, focusing on 'How I Do It'. This is where strategy meets action, encompassing both distribution and creative aspects of your brand.

-Develop a holistic and effective distribution strategy that amplifies your brand's reach across all social media platforms.

- Gain practical skills in content creation, ensuring your message converts into sales.

Meet the Brave Brand team


Filmmaker, Storyteller, and Digital Marketing Expert

Award winning: As a multi-award-winning filmmaker and creative agency founder, Luke's expertise lies in weaving compelling narratives through video and digital tools. His agency, boasting an impressive $350k annual turnover, is a testament to his prowess in the creative industry.

Social Virality: Luke has helped multiple businesses go viral with over 100k followers on social media. As a top online course creator and fitness industry mentor, his focus is on creating best-in-class marketing content that drives growth using simple yet effective systems. He has excelled in helping over 100+ coaches transition their businesses online.


Global Brand Specialist and Business Strategist

Experience: With 25 years of rich experience, Tim stands as a beacon of knowledge in the realm of global branding and business strategy. His career, spanning over two decades, is marked by significant accomplishments in developing brand, marketing, and business strategies for global health and fitness brands.

Leadership: As a seasoned C-suite professional, Tim has led global brand teams both client-side and agency-side, offering a well-rounded, practical perspective on brand building and strategy.


Sales Maestro and Start-up Specialist

Sales Acumen: Zac brings a unique sales perspective to the team, honed as the head of sales at STINT, an award-winning London-based startup. His expertise is invaluable in navigating the competitive sales landscape.

Innovative Experience: Having been a part of a startup that received £15 million in funding, Zac's insights into sales strategies and business growth are both innovative and practical, contributing significantly to the Brave Brand ethos.

You may be thinking where our credibility comes from?

With a combined 45 years of industry experience in the advertising, marketing and branding world, we have been living and breathing this world and have packaged everything we know into simple process that you can follow to fast track your journey. We believe that the more people that can tap into their innate power and bravery to start sharing their unique gifts with the world, the world will in turn heal and be a better place for us all to live. The life of your dreams lies on the other side of your fear. It is our job to help you overcome that fear and step into the way of the Braveheart.

Leads are now reaching out to me

Our new brand video gives prospects goosebumps

I now have confidence in my story, message and brand

I feel confident and ready to launch my business online

First $600 made in 7 days

Earning $20k per month now

Grew online from 1.5K to 90k followers

As you stand at this crossroads, think of it not just as a choice, but as a gateway to a transformative journey. The path before you is split into two distinct directions – one will lead you towards becoming a Brave Brand, a path of adventure, progress, and achievement; the other, a return to the familiarity of your current world, where the status quo remains unchallenged.

Choose the Path of Transformation with Brave Brand

Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Growth:
By choosing Brave Brand, you're not just signing up for a coaching program; you're stepping into a world of personal and professional development. This is where your finally build the brand you've been dreaming of. The path of growth, influence and freedom.

Seize the Adventure:
Life is a series of adventures, and the Brave Brand journey is one filled with learning, growth, and empowerment. It's an adventure that reshapes your perspective, enhances your skills, and guides you towards achieving the life of your dreams.

Or Return to the Familiar Path

The Comfort of Familiarity:
There’s comfort in the familiar, in the world you know. But remember, comfort often equates to stagnation. In this space, the challenges you face remain unaddressed, and the potential for growth and achievement is left untapped.

A Road of Unchanged Potential:
Continuing on your current path may seem safe, but it’s a road where adventure is scarce, and progress is limited. It's the easy choice, but not the one that leads to fulfillment and success.